Saturday, December 31, 2005

Running in the Snow

Running in the rain ... that can be fun if the temperature isn't hovering just above freezing. Running in the snow ... that is neat, magical, relaxing even. Oh, it was just exhilerating ... especially on New Year's Eve ... the last run of the year ... what a special gift from Above!!!

The temperature was at a nice 36ish degrees and it wasn't a wet snow ... it was a dry big flaked snow that started slowly and then came down faster and faster until it was all around me. But the ground was warm enough that it wasn't sticking so I didn't have to worry about falling because of it.

Oh ... and my pace ... averaged out over 5 miles ... was 12:15/mi. I know to some that would still be considered snails pace, but that's booking it for me.

I felt so uplifted after today's run!

Running Stats

Running Time: 1:01:16
Running Distance: 5.00 mi
Average Pace: 12:15/mi

On the Pain Front ... my left hip has been giving me some problems. Not bad, just enough to know that it is there.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Still Here

Running Stats

Running Time: 37:39
Running Distance: 3.00 mi
Average Pace: 12:33/mi

Feeling Excited

I was reading my friend KT's blog (mom on the run link ... cool blog) and she must be going into week 4 of her training schedule, following 'The Non-Runner's Marathon Guide'. I'm watching her mileage increase and I'm getting excited for her.

I'm reminded of my first few weeks of training where I was seriously taking it 'One Day at a Time' for fear of looking ahead and freaking myself out and wanting to quit.

I've decided that this should be week one of training, though I still haven't figured out for what. I can honestly say that I'm eagerly looking forward to my long runs, I know what's coming and I say BRING IT ON!!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Ran Again

I hate to admit that I had my doubts that I would run again so soon without having a strict schedule or an end goal in sight. But I did it! This morning I woke up, said to myself I'm gonna go running, grabbed my running gear and got ready to go. I then waited for two hours while I waited for my house guests to be up and about ... they were kind enough to watch Megan for me!

I went out on a nice 4 mile run. It was nice to know that I do indeed have a four mile circular route from the house. Very helpful!

Still listening to "At Home in Mitford". So far so good ... it has my full attention and I'm anxious to get back out on the road so that I find out what happens next. Always a sign of a good book.

I still love my shuffle. I ran with it hanging from my neck again ... it's awesome!!! As far as I know it doesn't have a way to bookmark where I left off. I'm kind of worried that next time I listen to it that it will have lost my place and I'll have to start all over again. This morning I had the bright idea of 'rewinding' to see if I missed anything. It took me to the beginning of the audiobook and I had to spend my first three quarters of a mile 'fast forwarding' it to where I left off last time. Any grand idea's out there from you Shuffle users on a better way to listen to an audiobook? Maybe I should just read the instruction booklet that came with it. But seriously, that is one of the things I love about the shuffle ... I didn't need an instruction book to use it ... it was that easy!

Running Stats

Running Time: 52:31
Running Distance: 4.00 mi
Average Pace: 13:08/mi

Monday, December 26, 2005

On the Run Again

Today was my second run since the Marathon. The first one was on sore feet and I was only out for 2 miles. Today I felt great.

I had initially been planning on just waiting until after the first of the year when Megan started back up with preschool, but I woke wanting to run today. So I got up, got dressed ... then proceeded to spend the next two hours messing with my new toy ... an Ipod Shuffle. KT has got it right, this thing is awesome!!!

I am listening to "At Home in Mitford" by Jan Karon. So far so good. It is a multi-book series which I enjoy in general as I just can't stand it when a book ends. I'll review it after I'm done listening to it.

So my little shuffle that weighs next to nothing was on a necklace around my neck and tucked nicely between the two bras that I have to wear. About 2 miles into my run my chest just felt like it was on fire. I was starting to wonder if that was what it felt like to have a heart attack when I realized that it was the shuffle that was causing all that heat. Guess that's not a great place to run with it. I thought that if I ran with it just hanging on the necklace that it would bounce too much, but it was fine once it was released from it's confines.

I'm glad to be back on the road. I don't have a schedule that I'm following yet, which means I'll probably be pretty lackadaisical in getting my runs in. I need to sit down with a list of marathons and a calendar and get myself on a rigid schedule again!!!

Running Stats

Running Time: 38:46
Running Distance: 3.00 mi
Average Pace: 12:55/mi

Sunday, December 4, 2005

Giving Thanks

I ran a marathon ... the training for and running of the marathon was a very momentous time in my life. A time that I would not have had, had it not been for the love and support offerings of others and for this I want to give thanks.

I am so grateful to have the Lord Jesus in my life, without Him as my Rock I know I would not have even attempted something of this magnitude. With Him, all things are possible. I have said before that I ran alone ... but in actuality that just isn't the case. The one true running companion I had was my Lord and Savior. I carried on many a conversation and shared in some truly spectacular sights with Him during the long hours of training and the seemingly longer hours of the marathon. Thank you Jesus!!!

I am thankful for Jason, without his support, I literally would not have been able to do this. Training for a marathon is a very time consuming process. Towards the end there I was running almost 8 hours a week. This was time that was spent away from my family and time that I had to schedule for Jason to be home with Megan. Which in and of itself is great ... but it does make it more difficult when I am on a strict 'schedule'. I needed that schedule to get me through! He was my main source of encouragement and the external drive that I needed. When he told me he was proud of me, it made it all worth while!

I am blessed by my beautiful daughter, Megan. She is a momma's girl, but she never complained about the long hours that I spent away from her. She would get excited for me when I put my running gear on and would always talk about "momma go runnin". Training for this marathon was as much for her as it was for me. I really want to be a positive influence for my daughter.

A big thanks to my dear friend Christie, who inspired me and gave me the tools that I needed to accomplish this momentous task. I wouldn't have even considered that I, a complete non-runner ... someone who actually disliked the very act of running, could have done this without her planting the seed and nurturing it and then giving me a bit of a push and shove on occasion.

A huge round of thanks to KT, Em and Sarah Elaine who followed my progress, kept tabs on my whereabouts and spurred me on. They were a huge source of encouragement and their support meant more then they will ever know.

I also want to thank everyone who has stopped by and read my blog. The more people who read it the more I felt like I needed to finish it ... the marathon that is ... so that I could finish that chapter on my blog.


Marathon Recovery

Recovering from a marathon can be likened to childbirth. No, it's not as painful as childbirth. What I mean is with time you do tend to forget the pain and remember the joy. I am now two weeks post marathon, and though I do have some residual foot pain, I am considering myself recovered.

I do remember that my whole body was sore back at the hotel after the marathon. Jason ordered pizza and when it got to our room, I ate it laying down. What can I say, I was comfortable. My dear friend Christie once told me that she had some Thai food after her first marathon and it was the best she ever ate. A few weeks later when she went back for more because it was so good, she found out that it really wasn't. My pizza was awesome, canned mushrooms and all. Anyone who has ever eaten pizza with me knows that I will not eat canned mushrooms. But that was the bestest pizza with canned mushrooms ever!

I lubed myself up pretty well in an effort to avoid chafing, especially around the bra area. It worked, no chafing there. What I did not count on was that I had lost weight and that the sweats that I was wearing would try to fall off if the drawstring was not tightened enough. I ended up with several lines of chafing on my back from my sweats. I did not feel this when I was running, only afterwards when in the shower.

I know that I was sore on Monday only because I called Christie and told her about it. I have the memory of discussing it, not the memory of being it. She warned me that it would get worse on Tuesday before it got better. I called her back on Tuesday so that she could remind me that it would indeed get better. I remember at that point that the rest of me was fine and pain free (unless I was walking upstairs). It was my darned feet which had been cramping during the marathon that were giving me a hard time still and would continue to. It has gotten better, enough that I was able to transition from my slippers to my running shoes a few days ago. I'm not pain free, but I'm not pain ridden either.

I am ready to start training for #2!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Philly Marathon - Short Version

Well I did it ... I ... a non-runner ... someone who detests the very act of running ... ran a marathon. In fact I ran the whole thing. I didn't walk at all. I may have had to slow down to pick up a cup of water, but I ran while I drank it. I did have to wait in line for an eternal 6 minutes to use the loo ... but I really had no choice there.

It was a wonderful experience, loads of fun and something that I do plan on doing again and again!

Official Race Results

Distance: 26.2 miles
Final Time: 5:55:16
Chip Time: 5:53.03
Average Pace: 13:33
Overall Place: 5832 out of 5934

Race Results as per my Garmin Forerunner

Time: 5:53:58
Distance: 26.52 mi
Average Pace: 13:21/mi
Overall Place: #1

The Philadelphia Marathon

If you are expecting to read a quick post letting you know how my marathon went, this is not it! I spent close to six hours running today and I actively tried to imprint it all to memory. I created this blog for this very reason, for a release of all things running and so that I can return later and remember what it was like. I'll post a separate short entry so that you don't have to read overly long post.


I did not spend a good deal of time last night in a deep relaxing sleep and it was easy to get up when the alarm ... and then my cell phone alarm went off. I already had all of my clothes laid out and I jumped in them quickly and was ready ... with about an hour to go before it was actually time to leave. I remember the exact same scenario for my first day of kindegarten, and then every first day of school from then on. Of course there was Jason and Megan to get ready and thankfully that was time consuming but not too difficult.

I had prepared the night before by pulling off directions from the hotel to the race site and back. It was much easier finding it today then it had been yesterday. Yesterday we spent about an hour driving around downtown Philadelphia looking for the expo so that I could check in and pick up my race number and shirt. Then we drove around about an hour afterwards, in some not very nice neighborhoods, just trying to find our way back to the interstate so that we could head to the hotel. I was so thankful today when we made it to the race site without trouble and actually even found parking close by, if not exactly legally.

It wasn't until we parked that I remembered that I should probably eat. Luckily I had thought ahead and had a couple of whole grain bagels stashed in the car. I had turned on my forerunner when we got into the car back at the hotel and it was fully charged, satelites found and ready to go. I definitely had my priorities straight there!!!

I picked at the bagel as we walked towards this huge mass of people who turned out to be waiting in line to use the port-o-potties. Going to the bathroom is considered a good idea before running a marathon so I got in line ... and waited ... and waited. I chatted with the nice ladies in line around me and it turns out this was their first marathon as well. I wonder how many people ran their first marathon today?!?

Of every runner that I talked to today I found that I was definitely the newest to the sport. In fact everybody that I talked to has been running for over a year. I have been running for 15 weeks, one week shy of the 16 week training schedule suggested by "The Non-Runner's Marathon Guide".

After my turn in the port-o-potty I met back up with Jason and Megan and they kept me company while I waited to make my way to the starting area. As we were waiting a school bus driver ran over a street lamp and knocked it down. Thank God there was no one in it's way as it fell hard.

I started noticing more and more people were headed towards the starting area and we decided it was about time to make our way in as well. Jason and Megan walked in with me and kept me company some more. We found the general area that I would be starting from, marked by a sign that read 12:30+ pace, emphasis on the +. As the start time approached we made our way over to the side gates and let them out so they wouldn't be trampled when the guns went off, little did we know that wouldn't have been a problem.

Finally, after waiting for ages, I heard "runners on your mark" ... the gunshot ... and then ... we stood there. After about a minute or two we started walking ... very slowly in a forward movement. My fears about not getting to the starting line were coming true?!? But then I saw it and we were still inching toward it and then I stepped over it ... and the race was on!!!

It was fun!!! If that's all I could say, that would be it. It was fun!!! There were people all around me crowding together, and there were spectators on both sides yelling and screaming for blocks and blocks. And It was Fun!!!

I looked down at one point shortly after we started and I was running a 10 minute mile and it was effortless. My initial plan had just been to run at a comfortable pace, but I had to slow myself down some or I was going to burn out too quickly. Before I knew it the one mile mark was upon us, and then it seemed I turned around a few corners and there was the second mile mark and I was still surrounded by people.

Somewhere between the second and third mile things started to slim down a bit but it was still so exciting. It was also about this time that I ran across the 5:30 pace group (that's hours not minutes). I was kind of in a quandary at this point though. My plan was to run at a comfortable pace and to not pay attention to how fast (or slow) I was running. Of course when you are in line of sight of a pace group, you know exactly how fast you are running. Should I follow because it was comfortable, or pass because it was comfortable or to slow down because I didn't really expect that I could run that fast for that long. In the end, I decided to just stick with them.

That was until I had to wait six minutes for the bathroom and they ran on without me. We had been told that we could expect a port-o-potty at each of the aid stations, but that was not the case. The first port-o-potty wasn't until 6 miles and by that time, I knew I couldn't hold it for the next two miles. I had no choice but to wait ... for six minutes I had to wait. I was going to say that was the longest six minutes of the entire race ... but in actuality it was the longest six minutes up until about mile 21.

While I was waiting people just kept running and in some cases walking by. By the time I finally left that aid station, I don't really think there was anybody left behind me in the race, well except for those that were in line behind me. But in a weird way that was cool because it was fun to pass them later.

The traffic was closed off during the marathon. There were police officers at each of the intersections holding cars off. That was fun!

The spectators along the course were great. There were a few times that I ran by someone who had the music from Rocky, which was filmed in Philadelphia, playing. The young kids wanted to give all the runners high fives. I was dubbed "blue" because I was wearing an all blue outfit. As I ran by people would yell "Go Blue!!!". I ran by a group of college students in front of a fraternity house banging on garbage can lids and yelling and screaming loudly. There were a few live bands and even someone playing bag pipes, which was my favorite because it brought me back to an 11 year old me on a camping trip.

There were runners from all walks and seasons of life. I passed an old man walking with a shirt that read this is his 100th marathon, he later passed me while I was waiting for the bathroom, but the good news is that I passed him again a little while later. There was a lady that I ran passed towards the end of the marathon that had a map on her shirt of all the marathons that she has ran. Hawaii is the last state she has left to run in and she said she is running that one in December. Batman ran the marathon, and so did a guy who jumped rope. Apparently when he crossed the finish line they said that he had been jumping rope the whole time, but he didn't. He was carrying that rope when I crossed paths with him when I was on mile 16ish and he was at mile 24ish. At mile 15 I was running behind a runner whose shirt read "83 and going strong" ... it's not as much fun to say that I passed him as well.

After I waited in line for the bathroom I came up behind a lady who was running slowly then all of a sudden stopped and started walking. When I reached her she said "Oh Lordy, you are an angel" as she started running with me. At this point I was feeling great, and still trying to catch back up with the 5:30 pace team. At first I tried asking her questions but she was out of breath and couldn't respond. So I was just talking to her. Then she just stopped running. I tried urging her on, but she told me to go on ahead without her, that she was just walking and wasn't quitting. I told her I would see her at the finish line, but I never did see her again.

Jason and Megan were going to meet me at mile 7. He called me about a block before I reached mile 7 to find out where I was. Apparently they were at 21st and Chestnut and I had just ran past 32nd and Chestnut. Unfortunately the next street I passed was 33rd, so I missed them. That was sad ... I was really bummed about that one.

The race route took us through downtown Philadelphia, along a river with some huge, huge ships in port, back downtown, next to a zoo, through a large park, back to the start/finish area, down a 7 mile scenic stretch next to a river and then back to the finish area.

I wasn't execting to be running next to the finish line at half way through the race. It was 3ish hours into the race at this point and there were folks finishing strong and I still had almost half a race left to finish. But the added excitement was a great push. Right at about mile 14 I turned a corner and there was Jason and Megan. Now that was a wonderful sight. Megan rushed to me and gave me a big big hug, Jason gave me a kiss and then I was off again, refreshed by my families love and support.

From then on it was a split course, those running out and those running back. The spectators were awesome, the view was great, the weather was spectatular ... it was fun!!!

Mile 18 came and went and I was still going strong. At this point I was averaging about 12:53/mi. From then on out each step was one step further then I had ever gone before. At this point I just wanted to get to mile 20ish where the turn around point was.

Mile 20 was extremely exciting. I had this grand plan of counting everybody who I passed going the opposite way and all those that I passed ahead of me. By the time I crossed the finished line I had counted 97 people. I was so bummed because as I got closer to 100 my goal changed from finishing the race to finishing it ahead of 100 people. The official race results have me coming in ahead of 101 people. I was number 102 ... how cool is that?!?

After mile 20 the aid stations were being disassembled and water was no longer available. Thankfully I had just passed a very nice man handing out little bottles of water. I took one from him so that I could consume my last gel of the race and it was a good thing I did. That little bottle of water handed out roadside by a spectator was probably the most important water that I had the whole race.

Up until about mile 21 I was feeling physically fine. Shortly after I hit mile 21 the sides of my feet started cramping. It was never an option for me to stop, but I was definitely running with pain and it did slow me down.

I think the hardest mile would have to be mile 24. It got harder and harder each mile after 21 ... but once I reached mile 25 it was almost over and there was an end in sight. I didn't think I had any kick left in me, but when the race volunteer told me that the finish line was just around the corner and that I should smile because they would take a picture everything changed, and I added speed. Which is so funny, because speed for me at that point was probably the 13:00/mi that I had averaged over the race. But it was speed then!!! I crossed the finish line just in front of the lady next to me ... now that was the real race!!!

Can you believe that I forgot to smile. I had just been advised to smile, but I forgot. I had only one thought in my head at that point and it was to pass the finish line so that I could sit down. Jason said that I had a look of serious determination on my face. He had our digital camera with him and it has a bit of a delay. So he has a picture of the finish line ... I had already passed through ...

We didn't stick around very long once I finished. I sat down long enough for Jason to take my championchip timing device off of my shoe and then we headed out, grabbing a banana on the way. I wanted to make it back to the hotel before I couldn't move anymore.

I am very happy to report that I ran my first marathon, without walking. And I will be back for more!!!

Official Race Results

Distance: 26.2 miles
Final Time: 5:55:16
Chip Time: 5:53.03
Average Pace: 13:33
Overall Place: 5832 out of 5934

Race Results as per my Garmin Forerunner

Time: 5:53:58
Distance: 26.52 mi
Average Pace: 13:21/mi
Overall Place: #1

Marathon Fears

This morning I woke up with the realization that I am going to be running 26.2 miles and I am absolutely terrified. Wanna know something ... the idea of running 26.2 miles doesn't scare me. I know in my heart of hearts that I am prepared for the physical and even the mental aspects of this very momentous run.

What am I scared of then? I am scared that I won't be able to find the starting line or that traffic will be so bad that I will have to be dropped off miles away from the starting line and that I won't get there in time.

I am even more scared that I will get there and everyone will realize that I am a fake. I have had some pretty major support getting to this point ... but it has all been long distance and sideline support. I have never ran with a runner and I really don't know what a runner is supposed to look like.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

On the Blog Again!!!

It's been a long few weeks. In fact I'm pretty sure that the last two weeks have lasted about two months.

The big news is that I run a marathon on Sunday. As in this Sunday. I am beyond nervous and seriously freaking, but you know, I have a serious stubborn streak. Always have, always will. I'm counting on that stubborn streak to get me through 26.2 miles. That and lots of prayer!!! About 6 hours worth of prayers!!!

I have been running. Not as much as my schedule dictates, but I have been running. I will be spending the next few days updating my blog for the runs that I have completed since October 24th which was my last official blog update.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Week 13 Schedule

This should be interesting ... Jason is working at a brand new job, Megan is no longer in preschool for the time being and I need to log in 27 miles this week. Where will I find the time?!?

Mon - Rest
Tue - 5 miles
Wed - 8 miles
Thu - Rest
Fri - 5 miles
Sun - 9 miles

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Long Run in New City

Today's long run was almost delayed until tomorrow which means it probably wouldn't have happened. Thank you Jason for getting me back on track!!!

By the time I headed out the door for my run it was almost noon. I talked Jason into letting me turn today's run into a short 3-5 miler and letting me run my long run tomorrow before we leave for New York, if and only if I promised to get up extra early and head out right away (which I admit to having a serious problem doing).

I headed out for a short run but got about 2 miles into it and realized I really could do my long run today. I pulled out my phone to call Jason to let him in on my plan only to discover that there was only one bar of battery left on it. I'm smart enough to realize that I didn't want to run in a very new and strange city without adequate cell phone availability so back to my original plan it was. When I got back to the house and told Jason that I almost ran the long run today and why I decided not to he literally pushed me out the door with his fully charged cell phone. So away I went.

Running in Pittsburgh ... oh my goodness the HILLS!!! Up, down ... Up, down ... Up, down, that's all I did today for over three hours. I saw alot of runners out there today and I had lessons to learn from them. At first I would huff and puff my way running up each of these hills, proud of myself for running while that runner was walking. After I noticed that this was definitely a pattern I realized how smart they were and I started walking right along with them. Keep in mind these are not your average every once in awhile hill, but STEEP come at you nonstop hills.

I did find a nice trail to run on. I probably could have run the whole run on this trail, going up and down over and over again. But it's hard running on a trail that you don't know how long it is ... or where it ends ... or how in the world you will get home ... or if you can find your way home ... or if you can't find your way home if the folks at home could even find you to pick you up. All in all ... it was a very unsettling kind of run today.

I ran for 3 1/2 hours today and only logged 13.56 miles. I have been told and have read that training runs should not exceed 3 1/2 hours and I was more then happy to quit when I was supposed to today. I'm hoping that the hills were enough to make up the extra 4.5 miles that I didn't get in today's run ...

Running Stats

Running Time: 3:29:35
Running Distance: 13.56 mi
Average Pace: 15:28/mi

On the shoe front ... my feet hurt and I'm pretty sure that it's the new shoes. My achilles tendon that was hurting in my old shoe was hurting today along with the other side where the tongue of the shoe hits. And the bottoms of both feet are pretty sore ... a new sore that I haven't dealt with before. I spent quite a bit of time (with timer turned off of course) readjusting my shoes trying to get my feet to stop hurting. I think I'm gonna wait until Tuesday to run again and try running with my old shoes again.

In Pittsburgh ... Finally!!!

We arrived at Jason's parents house last night just after dark. I was so hoping to get there with daylight to spare so that I could head out for a short run, but alas, I realized once 'I' got seriously lost in Pittsburgh that wasn't going to happen.

We actually arrived in Pittsburgh in the daylight, but the directions that we pulled off of Rand McNally online were HORRIBLE. It didn't help matters either that we were driving two vehicles and trying to stay together in some pretty major traffic. After about an hour of driving around aimlessly while Jason was trying to get directions from his dad, who had only been living in Pittsburgh for about two months himself, we finally got back on the right interstate. Then I noticed a landmark from our Rand McNally directions and told Jason to take the next exit which he did. After driving about 10 blocks he abruptly turned off onto a side road and I had no choice but to follow. Just in time to watch him run a yellow light and leave me stranded at a red light. He called and told me to get back on the interstate and to take the next exit. I managed to somehow miss the turn to get back on the interstate and spent the next 45 minutes or so searching for it. Jason, by this time had gotten off at the exit his dad told him to take and sat sipping coffee at the local starbucks.

I never did find my way back onto the interstate but I somehow did manage to find my way back to the street that I was on before Jason took the unexpected detour on me. Funny thing is, we were only about 6 blocks away from their house when he made that turn that caused me alot of stress!!!

I ended up pulling up to the house at literally the exact same time as Jason ... we parked within seconds of each other.

So we are finally in Pittsburgh and we have just enough time to get our luggage upstairs and in our room before company, the man who got Jason his very first job in the nuclear industry and his wife, arrive for dinner. It was a fun evening and I had a few too many glasses of margarita. How smart is that the night before a scheduled 18 mile run?!?

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Excuses Excuses

I am three weeks away from a marathon, and my training schedule is going bust. I was supposed to run 8 miles yesterday and 5 miles today, but it seems like I just keep coming up with excuses, even though on the surface they are very valid.

The movers were here yesterday and boy was that rough. I have never dealt with someone who had less of a personality and yet was more lazy then Mr. Mover ... but that's a story for another time. After the movers left Jason and I spent the next couple of hours getting the house spic and span cleaned for the new owner. I am happy to say that I am proud of the way we left it.

Just as we were finishing our cleaning spree our realtor dropped by with our set of papers to sign. This was definitely the easiest house sale we have ever had ... what a relief for once.

Then it was time to catch a quick bite to eat and check into the hotel for the night. It was about 9 pm when we finally got all settled into the hotel. No chance I was running 8 miles yesterday. No problem right, I can do it today ...

... but I woke up this morning with a burning desire to get this show on the road. What's the difference between staying the night in a hotel here or staying the night in a hotel on the road. Well besides the added bonus of we get to split a 10+ hour drive to Pittsburgh into two days.

I have already got Jason on board, cancelled our room here for the night and arranged for lodging at a pet friendly hotel in route. Now I have a busy morning ahead ... packing up the car here at the hotel, loading up the stuff we still have left at the house (did I mention Mr. Mover was lazy?), returning the cable box, filling up gas tanks and ... oh my why did I want to leave today?!?

To make a long story short, I have already missed a 5 mile and a 8 mile run with only 3 weeks left until the marathon.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Saying Goodbye to Sac & Fox

Today's run was my last on the Sac and Fox trail and I'm feeling very bittersweet about it. I was once asked if the trail was an asphalt or gravel trail and I never answered because I thought it was bet explained by a picture. I kept meaning to bring my camera and take pictures of the beautiful fall foilage, but it never happened, and now it never will. So in answer to that question, the Sac and Fox is a hard packed dirt trail that is probably about 6 feet wide. The Sac and Fox was kind of like a well worn pair of sneakers that you know every nook and cranny in and you never want to let go.

To the Sac & Fox ... you were a good friend ... and you will be missed!

Running Stats

Running Time: 1:07:50
Running Distance: 5.00 mi
Average Pace: 13:33/mi

Monday, October 24, 2005

Week 12 Schedule

This is going to be a very busy week. We have the packers coming to pack up our house tomorrow. Everything will be loaded onto the moving truck on Wednesday. Megan's last day of school will be Wednesday. Jason's last day of work will be Thursday. We close on our house on Friday morning at 8 am, pick up our documents at 9 am and then we drive non-stop to Pennsylvania to spend the evening with Jason's parents. We will spend Friday and Saturday night in Pennsylvania and then head back on the road on our way to New York. Jason starts his new job next Monday. Our household goods should be delivered sometime Monday or shortly thereafter.

And sometime during all this craziness I need to find time to work 8 hours of running in. Crazy!!!

Tentative Week 12 Schedule

Mon - Rest
Tue - 5 miles
Wed - 8 miles
Thu - 5 miles
Fri - Rest
Sat - 18 miles
Sun - Rest

Oh, and did I mention that I'm still really sore from my last 18 miles ...

Sunday, October 23, 2005

I am Shocked!!!

Running Stats

Running Time: 3:51:19
Running Distance: 18.00 mi
Average Pace: 12:53/mi

I am proud of myself! I am so very proud of myself that I had to start off with the running stats this time. I cannot believe that I ran 18 miles. I cannot believe that I ran 18 miles with an average pace of under 13 minutes a mile. I mean it's been ages since I have averaged less then 13 minutes a mile on my short runs let alone for a full 18 miles. Wow ...

I ran the Sac and Fox again. Parked in the middle, ran there and back one way ... there and back the other way ... and there and back the first way.

I will not lie, it was hard. I had two very dear people ask me once I was finished if I could have done another 8 and the answer was NO. Then again, if you would have asked me at mile 7 if I could have done another 11 the answer would have been NO.

I was sore the whole run. My butt cheaks actually felt like they were burning. I didn't think I was going to be able to sit down to drive home once I finished.

Oh, and let's talk about the shoes. Wearing new shoes for a long run is not a good idea. I thought I was being smart. I parked in the middle of the trail which I ran by at miles 7 and 14 and I brought my old shoes with me in case my new shoes got too uncomfortable. My feet started hurting around mile 4 and I couldn't wait until I could get back to my car to change my shoes. I reached the car at mile 7, slurped an energy gel and put my old comfy shoes on and then took off running. Limping rather as my old comfy shoes hurt like crazy. I have no idea what the deal was but they pressed against the bottom of my achilles tendon on my right foot and it just hurt. I only got about .05 of a mile down the trail before I realized I couldn't do it and had to go back and put my new shoes on. The new shoes hurt the bottom of my left foot, but not nearly as bad as my old shoes hurt my achilles tendon.

My favorite part of the run was when I ran past a couple as they were headed out for a walk and I was nearing a trailhead, with about 11 miles logged. I ran past them again as they were headed back from their walk and I was headed out from the trailhead. The lady asked me how far I was running today, to which I replied 'today's run will be 18 miles'. Her eyes got huge, really really huge. I didn't hear her reply because I was already running past her, but she looked more shocked then I felt.

I ran 18 miles today ...

Saturday, October 22, 2005

0 Miles in my New Shoes

I bought myself some new shoes today. It was quite a process and I visited many stores, but I finally found them. Even if they weren't actually what I was looking for.

I started off the morning at Running Wild trying on a Asics GT2100 men's 9B. It had this annoying bar going across the ball of my foot and it wasn't a good fit. I then went to Famous Footwear and tried on a size 10, exactly like the shoe that I already own. It felt snug but I was willing to go with it because I've been running in a size 10 without any problems, though I can't say that I have run 26 miles in them either.

This afternoon we took Megan to the big mall 45 minutes away so that she can play in the 'mall park'. I left Jason watching her play while I went shopping!!! It's so fun shopping after you have lost some weight!!! Anyhow, I checked out Foot Locker, Lady's Foot Locker and the Finish Line looking for a size 10.5 in the Asics 2100. I was told the same thing in each store, they don't make 1/2 sizes after a size 10. I don't know if this is true or not but it's what the folks at these stores were telling me.

My last stop was at Scheel's which is a pretty big sporting goods store. I was given the same old story about the no 1/2 sizes after size 10, so I gave him my story. Size 10's seem to fit fine, but I'm fixin to run a marathon and was told I needed a larger size shoe. He agreed that I needed a larger shoe and had me try on a size 11. My foot slid all over that shoe and I told him it was no good that it just wasn't going to work. So he bent down and re-tied my shoe for me. And wouldn't ya know it .... it fit a lot better after he tied it. I apparently don't tie my shoe tight enough, nor did I know this little shoe lace trick that he did that apparently scoots your heel towards the back of the shoe. I have tried on shoes four times at Running Wild, a specialty running shoe store, and never did I receive the kind of shoe service as I did today. The best thing is, if these shoes don't work out for me, I can return them and get my money back. That is definitely a feel good.

So tomorrow, I'm running 18 miles in my brand new shoes. I am going to park my car at the mid point of the trail again and leave my old shoes in the car just in case. I don't expect to need them, but you never know.

It is such a relief to finally get these new shoes so that I can get them broke in appropriately before the big day.

187 Miles in my New Shoes

I've been trying to get my new shoes ... really I have!

I went to Running Wild and they measured my foot and said I really should be in a 10.5 for a marathon because my feet will expand. Unfortunately, Asics is coming out with a new model on November 1st and it is next to impossible to get the old one right now. They ordered it but it never came in. They then ordered a men's size 9 narrow, insisting it was the equivalent shoe. My friend, kt, has been dealing with shoe difficulties, in large part because she was put into a men's shoe instead of a women's shoe. I don't even want to go there, I am going to be running a marathon in these shoes afterall. I did humor them and tried them on, and I can honestly say there is a bar that runs across the ball of my feet which was really uncomfortable.

I purchased my last two pairs (ok, only two pairs) of running shoes at Famous Footwear so I decided to go ahead and check them out this morning just in case. They have two pairs of size 10's! I'm going to try the other Famous Footwear here in town to see if they have a 10.5. If not, I'm going to go with the size 10. I've been running in a size 10 for the last 187 miles and so far so good!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Racing the Clock

and I would have won, but the plans changed.

I am a major procrastinator ... always have been ... probably always will be. I was dressed in running clothes and walking out the door to take Megan to school, albeit a little late as usual, when I remembered that I needed to put part 2 of 'The Memory of Running' on my mp3 player. Meant to do it earlier, really I did. Of course it's never as easy as just doing it, especially when I have always had Jason there to do it for me. I had no choice but to take her to school and come back and do it myself. Ok, I did have the option of running without it, but I didn't want to.

I rushed home and figured out how to download the book from and then upload it onto my mp3 player ... all by myself. I ran out the door at 1:02. My run was supposed to be 1 hour 10 minutes and it takes me 15 minutes to get there and I had to be at the school at 2:30. Not much time to spare at all for stretching and chocolate milk (great protein to carb ratio for after a run).

My wonderful husband called me at 1 hour into my run to let me know that he was getting off early and would be able to pick Megan up. Finally I was able to relax and enjoy my run ... whoohoo ... the last 10 minutes of it :) Thanks Baby!!!

Running Stats

Running Time: 1:09:23
Running Distance: 5.00 mi
Average Pace: 13:52/mi

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Racing the Sun

and I won! Then again, I can take shortcuts and alter my course and the sun is pretty much stuck.

Exciting news!!! For the first time in three and a half years Jason and I went to see a movie all by ourselves. It was wonderful. We both got to sit through the whole movie and it was a movie that we picked out. Well kind of ... there was only one movie playing during our tight time line while Megan was in preschool ... but it was a good movie. We saw Flight Plan. It was very intense. I wanted the movie to hurry up and get over only because I needed to find out how it would end.

I had initially planned on running during preschool time, but the movie was such a nice treat. After the movie we took Megan to the 'blue park' and then hurried home so that I could run my 8 miles. By the time I finally got to the trail it was closing in on 5 o'clock and I knew that the sun would be all the way down at 7 o'clock. I was cutting it close since I was expecting to run close to 2 hours and there are no street lights on the trail.

I made it though. I parked at the trail entrance in the middle of the trail, ran out 2 miles and back and then ran the other way 1.5 miles then back. I wanted to stick close to the trail entrance that last mile just in case it got too dark. I finished my run with just minutes to spare. The sun was all the way down within 5 minutes of getting into my car.

There is a bonus to running at dusk on a creek lined trail. The deer like to go down to the creek for an evening drink at dusk and I must have seen at least a dozen deer during my run. All females though, I still haven't seen a buck.

Running Stats

Running Time: 1:46:12
Running Distance: 8.00 mi
Average Pace: 13:16/mi

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Running in the Dark

Jason had an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon this afternoon and his ankle is looking better. He does have a small piece of chipped bone, but not bad enough to require surgery. Even better, his pain level has gone down tremendously. He even has permission now to put some weight on it and will take things day by day. Unfortunately, he will not be running the Suffolk County Marathon with me in February ... if I can even find information on it. I still have hopes for him running the Long Island Marathon with me in May though.

After his appointment we took Megan to the park to get let her run off some of that energy that she has been storing for the last seveal days. She made a friend and we ended up staying longer then we had planned.

We then picked up dinner from Olive Garden and headed home so that I could go out for my run. By the time I headed out the door it was close to 6 pm. I knew it was getting dark earlier, but I hadn't planned on it being fully dark by the time I got home an hour and some minutes later. We live in the older side of town and the sidewalks are none too level. Needless to say it was slow going that last mile running over leaf strewn, cracked and uneven sidewalks. Reminded me of watching the track athletes during practices ... running with exaggerated high knees.

My audio book is starting to get a bit more interesting. At least he is riding the bike now. Only took me about 4 hours to get into it ... geesh ...

Running Stats

Running Time: 1:10:23
Running Distance: 5.02 mi
Average Pace: 14:01/mi

Monday, October 17, 2005

Week 11 Schedule

I am now officially in my high mile weeks. The previous two weeks were high miles, but the next two weeks are the highest that I'll hit before I taper before the marathon. I'm ready for it.

Mon - Rest
Tue - 5 miles
Wed - 8 miles
Thu - Rest
Fri - 5 miles
Sun - 18 miles

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Going to the Hospital

My father in law is visiting this weekend and we have had a wonderful visit. Megan adores having her Grandpa around. She is going to be devastated when he heads home Tuesday morning. We are gonna miss him too.

I had a bit of a late start this morning. I wasn't too rushed and with a 4 hour run looming ahead of me I was kind of dragging my feet a bit. But man, once I got started I was having a great run. It was one of those runs that just clicks and everything feels good. I was running at a great pace too. Well, a great pace for me that is. I looked down at my foreman somewhere during the first mile and I was running a 13:02 mile. That in itself is not unusual. At any given time during a run I could be running a 13 minute mile, sustaining it is my problem. Imagine my surprise then when I finished that first mile in 13:02. And my second mile? 12:48. My third was 13:08. I was running a solid 13ish mile the whole run and it felt good.

I ran the Sac and Fox again today. My plan was to run on the trail to the halfway point, run off the trail to the main road and back which is .3 miles, continue running past the trail entrance to the nature center and back hoping it was at least a mile, and then jumping back on the trail to run to the end and then all the way back again. My plan would have put me at the 16 mile mark about a 1/4 of the mile away from my car which is what I was hoping for. But as I learned during my last 16 mile run, plans are meant to be changed.

The first part of my plan went off without a hitch. It was even exactly 1 mile there and back to the nature center. Unfortunately about a 1/4 a mile away from the trailhead, or should I call it the trailend(?), my phone rings to let me know that I have a message. I check it and it's Jason letting me know that he hurt his ankle pretty badly and he is headed to the hospital to check it out. Thank God my father in law was here and was able to drive Jason to the hospital and take care of Megan until I got there. I called them immediately and they were in route to the hospital. I let them know that I would meet them there as soon as I could. I was an hour and forty-five minutes away from my car at this point but only about five minutes away from the trailhead. Luckily I had my cell phone with me and I had the phone number programmed for the only other people we know in Cedar Rapids. Thank God he was home and I was able to call in a favor. I ran off the trailhead and towards the direction he would be coming from and was even able to log an additional 1 1/2 miles before he picked me up.

Jared dropped me off at my car and then I rushed to the hospital. I got there just in time to catch Jason before he was taken from triage to x-ray. He had a knot on his ankle about the size of a large orange. He had been trying to get our unruly daughter out of the tunnels at McDonalds and missed a step and rolled his ankle. The x-ray showed a piece of bone chipped off and a space between the joint that doesn't look right. He is supposed to go to the orthopedic surgeon on Tuesday to get it checked out further and to see if he is needing surgery. He is home now with a moon boot, crutches and some serious pain meds.

Running Stats

Running Time: 2:11:45
Running Distance: 9.95 mi
Average Pace: 13:15/mi

Note: I cannot believe that I was .05 mi away from a 10 mile run. I just could not justify running that little bit further when my wonderful hubby was headed to the hospital.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Ladybug, Ladybug Fly Away

This time last year Cedar Rapids was invaded by ladybugs. We were living in a 27 foot RV at the time in the Pleasant Creek RV park waiting for our new house to close. We woke up one morning to ladybugs. They were everywhere and in everything. The side of the RV was so covered with ladybugs that you could barely see white through them.

They are back this year, though thankfully not as bad. I used to like ladybugs until there were too many in one place. When they land on you they dig in, and it hurts. It's not an excruciating pain by any means, it's more like an 'ouch, what's that?' type of pain.

Anyhow, I was out for my last short run of the week, a quick 5 miles and I kept getting hit by flying ladybugs. More annoying then anything really. Who would have thought that ladybugs could be so annoying?

I'm still listening to 'The Memory of Running'. I'm now 3 hours into it and it hasn't gotten anywhere yet. It is supposed to be 4.7 stars out of 5 with over 700 responses on ... we'll see.

Running Stats

Running Time: 1:08:08
Running Distance: 5.00 mi
Average Pace: 13:38/mi

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Running with Nature

The Sac and Fox trail was absolutely gorgeous today. It is a winding creek side trail with overhanging trees on either side that are gloriously painted in beautiful fall colors. Minutes into my run I was blessed to come upon two deer gracefully running alongside the trail setting the tone for the rest of my afternoon.

There is a section of trail at about mile 3 that is completely canopied with trees. The little bit of light that filters through, dances across the moss covered valley floor and creates amazing patterns that are beautiful to behold. It is the perfect storybook setting.

Crossing the creek around mile 5 I happened to look down to see four deer getting an early evening drink. I always feel so blessed when I see deer while running ... like I've been given a special gift as recompense for my efforts.

A break in the trees around mile 6 opens up to a field of waist high golden hay that is surrounded on three sides with hills that are decked out in brilliant fall colors.

The most beautiful site though was found at mile 7.5 when I came around a curve in the path to see a man and a young girl crossing a sun soaked bridge. I was just thinking to myself how neat that would be if Jason were to bring Megan to meet me at the trailhead. Then the little girl looked up and saw me and yelled the most beautiful word that I have ever in my life heard ... mommeeee ... and then she ran towards me with arms raised high and a huge smile on her face.

My favorite part of the run was the last 1/2 mile when I chased my daughter off of the trail onto a large grassy knoll and then played tag with her ... the joy of my life ... my little miracle!

Running Stats

Running Time: 1:46:58
Running Distance: 8.06 mi
Average Pace: 13:16/mi

Running Break

I had intended to drop Megan off for preschool today and head out for my medium run of the week, a not so quick 8 miler. She, however, did not cooperate with this plan.

For the first time today she refused to stay in class. We got there just fine, she went in just fine, she told the teacher she was going to go to the blue park today (just like she does every day). The teacher was asking me some questions about running so I stayed around a lil bit longer then usual. Megan was actually pushing me out the door. Then I said goodbye and she started sobbing like she was heartbroken.

I left anyways and went and sat in the office and watched on her on the monitor. Ten minutes later she was still sobbing so I asked the director to go and get her for me because I didn't want to be the one rescuing her. We tried everything we could to get her to go into class but she was having none of it. She insisted that she preferred to come home and take a nap instead of going to class. So here we are ... two hours later and she is still upstairs singing and hasn't gone to sleep yet. Crazy Girl!!!

So I spent my time checking out some blogs and I found this little diddy ... It only takes a few seconds...give it a try and let me know what you got.

At the end of this message, you are asked a question. Answer it immediately. Don't stop and think about it. Just say the first thing that pops into your mind. This is a fun "test"... AND kind of spooky at the same time! Give it a try, then let me know what your answer was and you'll see how many people you know fall into the same percentage as you. Now ... just follow the instructions as quickly as possible. Do not go to the next calculation before you have finished the previous one. You do not ever need to write or remember the answers, just do it using your mind. You'll be surprised.


How much is:

15 + 6

3 + 56

89 + 2

12 + 53

75 + 26

25 + 52

63 + 32

I know! Calculations are hard work, but it's nearly over..

Come on, one more...

123 + 5


Scroll further to the bottom...

A bit more...

You just thought about a red hammer, didn't you?

If this is not your answer, you are among 2% of people who have a different,
if not abnormal, mind. 98% of the folks would answer a red hammer while
doing this exercise. If you do not believe this, pass it around and you'll

****I must admit, I thought of a red hammer - I guess those are just very common for colors and tools. Still, it's cool. I bet people who use tools a lot or artists would be the ones to get different answers.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

High Five

I tried getting Jason to upload a new book onto my mp3 player but it was having some problems. He did some research and it doesn't look good. Apparently several people have had problems with the Rio's after about 4 months (I've only had mine for 2). When they call customer service they are told they have a defective product and that they can ship it and $100 to the factory and they will send them a factory refurbished mp3 player. Ummm .. hello??? Jason didn't even spend $100 on the thing to begin with. What kind of customer service is that?!?

In spite of running mp3less I had a very good run. The weather was a perfect 60ish degrees. I doubled up the home route again and just took off running. Before I knew it I had run it twice and was heading back home. I just love it when a run feels good!!!

Running Stats

Running Time: 1:07:43
Running Distance: 5.00 mi
Average Pace: 13:32/mi

Got Socks?

I do, I spent $40 on socks yesterday. Makes me sick ...

All this running is hard on socks. I have had three pairs of socks develop holes lately. I ended up with two holes in my sock during my 16 mile run on Sunday. I noticed the first hole at about mile 5 when I emptied the multitude of rocks out of my shoes. The second one showed up at around mile 14, again when emptying the rocks out of my shoes.

So I went sock shopping yesterday. My first stop was the running store. I picked up two pairs of socks to be worn primarily for my long runs. These two pairs of socks alone were $20. But they are technologically created specifically for running long distances, wicking the sweat away from foot in an effort to prevent blisters. Sounds good to me, I don't like blisters.

My second stop was Kohl's to pick up some every day sports type socks. I was needing a variety of socks here so that's where the other $20 came in. I bought a package of long white sports socks because it's getting cold and I need to keep my ankles warm. Then I bought a package of long black sports socks because I can't find sweats long enough and black sweats on black socks kind of minimizes the geekiness of the 'girl who waits for flood' look (love ya dawn dawn). Then I had to buy some short white socks because I can't sleep in long socks. Not bad, 12 pairs of socks for $20. Sounds much better then 2 pair for $20.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Week 10 Schedule

Week 10 of 15 ... I am officially in double digit training weeks. Which means I'm really close to running a marathon. Only three more super duper long runs before I taper off before the big day. Wow, where did the time go?

Mon - Rest
Tue - 5 miles
Wed - 8 miles
Thu - Rest
Fri - 5 miles
Sun - 16 miles

Sunday, October 9, 2005

10 Miles and a 10K

10 miles + 10 kilometers = 16 miles

I was really nervous going into this one because of last week's fiasco when I wasn't able to run the 14 miles. But I did it, and it wasn't bad at all and I will do it again, and then some.

It was one of those runs where I was lost in thought and just along for the run. I ran the sac and fox trail which is 7.2 miles long. My goal was to run the trail, run about a mile out and then head back giving me 16 miles total. Goals sometimes have to be rearranged though.

There is a port o potty at the half way point, 3.6 miles, which I made use of. Then at 5.6 miles I realized I needed to go again. Unfortunately the city parks department has decided that they don't need facilities at the trail heads, just at the half way point for some reason. I had to go bad enough that I tried calling Jason from the trail head to have him come pick me up and take me to a potty but he wasn't answering the phone, something to do with singing the abc song with our daughter?!? Anyhow, my only choice was to cut out the extra mile and head back as quickly as I could. I seriously considered finding a bush and going behind it but I was wearing a bright blue sweatshirt over a bright blue long sleeve shirt. Anyone coming up the trail would have seen me from any distance and would have known what I was doing and I just didn't have the guts to do it. I can't tell you how relieved I was to make it see that port o potty!!!

My knee didn't give me a bit of trouble the whole run. It was a little bit stiff every time I sat down to empty the multitude of rocks out of my shoes, but no pain. Unfortunately my calf wasn't so generous. About mile 14 I started getting some cramps in my calf that would then radiate down my leg.

Christie had mentioned that I might want to run 15 miles instead of 16 miles because I didn't get the 14 in last week, and in any case she said I shouldn't run over three and a half hours. In fact all the literature that I'm reading mentions that three and a half hours should be the cut off for training runs. I seriously considered stopping at 15 miles because of the cramping in my calf and the fact that I hit 15 miles ... at my car ... at 3:30:00 (or really close). But after missing the 14 last week I really needed to be able to say that I ran 16 miles so I headed back onto the trail for that last mile. It was the slowest I ran all day, but I did it, I ran 16 miles and I was proud of it!!!

Running Stats

Running Time: 3:47:08
Running Distance: 16.00 mi
Average Pace: 14:12/mi

Friday, October 7, 2005

Home Route Doubled

The home route, minus the jaunt back home is 2.5 miles. Double that and you get 5 miles, which is exactly what I needed today. I finished mile 5 at the bottom of the hill, again with that perfect timing ... gotta love it!!!

I had Jason download a sermon from Jon Courson onto my mp3 player. It is really neat running with the Word being spoken. Revelations is such a fascinating book and Jon Courson does an excellent job of teaching about it. Unfortunately, it only lasted 58 minutes into my hour plus run and I was left wanting more. We really need to get the mp3 software figured out because I was lucky to even get that 58 minutes.

Running Stats

Running Time: 1:11:17
Running Distance: 5.11 mi
Average Pace: 13:57/mi

Questions Answered

A very good friend of mine, a Non-Runner, is interested in running but has some nagging questions that she needs answered. I thought I would take the opportunity to answer them here in case anyone else was interested but cautious.

First let me set the stage for you. I did not just wake up one morning and decide that I was going to be a runner and then walk out the door and run 3 miles. I took a couple of months to increase my cardiovascular system. I started out in June by hitting the bike at the gym for merely 20 minutes at a time. Then I started adding some walking on the trail and then some walking mixed with running. My only goal at this point was to be able to run 30 minutes straight.

I was finally at my initial goal, though barely, when I received a book for my birthday that completely changed my outlook, The Non-Runner's Marathon Guide. As luck would have it, to start their training regimen you should be able to run 30 minutes non stop. I was there, so I started. If you are a non-runner, but are interested in running I would definitely recommend the book to you as it does have a pre-training regimen to get you to the point where you can run 30 minutes straight over a 9 week period. I can also recommend the Couch to 5k program, which also has a 9 week program aimed at getting you to run 30 minutes.

Questions Answered

to me 8 is impossibly long. i wanna know.....are your lungs screaming?

A few weeks ago, 8 miles was my long run of the week. Now I run an 8 mile run every week until the marathon. It's funny how your perspective changes as you progress. Are my lungs screaming? No ... if they were I would not be doing this. I'm not one of those who would stick around for pain. In fact, I started on a mini running program two years ago that I quit because I pushed myself too hard ONE day and I couldn't make myself do it again.

were they in the beginning?

No! It was a harder workout in the beginning then it is now cardiovascularly ... but I never pushed myself.

are your legs noodles?

No, they are just legs. Sorry, bad humor I know. It is true that now that I've gotten this far into my training program it is no longer the cardiovascular system that is keeping me in check, but the tiredness in my legs. Mostly when I'm running the legs are just moving and I don't notice anything. It isn't until I have to stop at a crosswalk or a water fountain and then start running again that I notice it. It takes a good several steps to get that numb running feeling back again.

w/o your mp3 do you run?

I can run without my mp3 player. I ran my 12 miles without my mp3 player, in a torrential downpour I might add. I'm trying to make sure that I run all of my long runs without my mp3 player because it is not allowed in the Philadelphia Marathon.

what keeps you motivated w/o the mp3?

First of all, there is the goal that I set for myself. Without setting that goal and making it a priority to me, this would not be happening. My wonderful husband has been right here by my side the whole time encouraging me, motivating me and at times literally pushing me out the door. I have many wonderful friends encouraging me and pushing me on. And ironically, a very good motivator for me is the fact that I am actually inspiring and motivating others.

do you let your mind wander or do you think of the pain or not funness or are you having FUN?

My favorite runs are the ones where I let my mind wander and before I know it I'm done. Contrary to popular belief, there is not a lot of pain when you are running. Well at least once you are a few weeks into the training program. I had some pretty excruciating shin splints at first but that was because I needed new shoes. You do get to a point though where you get the little kinks worked out. When I do have pain, I'm worried about it progressing and thinking about what I should be doing to alleviate it so that it doesn't come back next time. For example, last week I had a bit of knee pain, not constant, more like sharp jabs. Frozen peas work great for aches and pains and I'm happy to report that yesterday's run was pain free. During the run, I'm not really thinking gee this is not fun. I'm also not thinking wow, this is the best. But when I'm done ... now that is the best. Imagine running 8 miles ... can you imagine it? Now imagine for the rest of the day you get to say, I ran 8 miles today. Now that is fun!!!

so you really gotta describe to a non runner what the long runs are like

I will admit that I still get a little bit panicky walking out the door for a long run. The first three miles are the toughest, which any runner would agree with. A good friend of mine explains it as it takes that long for all my body parts to bounce around enough to get numb. I mentally divide the long run in half. The first half is all about getting to the half way point. The second half I'm almost done and I'm running home. At no point do I think, I only have such and such time left. This is like being on a tall bridge and looking down.

If anyone else has any questions, I would be more then happy to answer them. I remember quizzing my marathoner friend Christie just a few short months ago, asking her these exact same questions.

By the way, my friends Christie and Hope will be running the Portland Marathon this Sunday. They are going to do awesome, but it would be great if you would keep them in your prayers!

Thursday, October 6, 2005

Finished Two Books

Praise the Lord, the wind abated just in time for me to head out for my quick 3. It was actually nice and refreshing to run my old home route one last time. From here on out, the home route won't be long enough unless I double up on it. That's the last of the 3 mile runs until week 14 when I start my taper before the big day.

I finished my second audiobook at the bottom of my hill. I love it when the timing works in my favor like that. Very convenient! Unfortunately, that means that I have to get busy picking out a new book ... very inconvenient!

Running Stats

Running Time: 42:39
Running Distance: 3.02 mi
Average Pace: 14:08/mi

It's Windy

Today would be a normally scheduled rest day but thanks to Monday's let down I need to get some miles in. And it's windy!!! Yuck!!! OK, no bad attitude here :)

I'm heading out as soon as Jason gets home. Gonna do a quick 3. A quick 3? this still amazes me. Two months ago ... well I guess it's 3 months ago at this point ... a quick 3 would probably have meant a quick 3 chocolate chip cookies or a quick 3 doughnuts. 3 miles was not in my vocabulary 3 months ago. Which is even more amazing if you look at my training schedule for the week and it shows 44 miles. What???

I Made It!!!

I ran the same route today that I did on Monday. Today was a wonderful day!!! After my dreams last night I was so scared that I was going to hate it the whole time I was running. I didn't ... it was wonderful ... what I remember of it anyhow :)

I am wondering what made the biggest difference in the run though. Obviously there was an attitude adjustment. I went in to today's run with a much better attitude then Monday. Maybe it was the fact that it was 10 degrees cooler today then it was on Monday. Or maybe the fact that I didn't push myself as hard. I didn't know that I was pushing myself on Monday but my time was a bit better (I started out with a 12:25/mi). I hope that it wasn't my mp3 player ... I really can't afford to rely on it since I can't have it in my marathon. Oh my, I really hope it wasn't my mp3 player!!!

Running Stats

Running Time: 1:55:33
Running Distance: 8.01 mi
Average Pace: 14:26/mi

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Bad Dreams

I did not sleep very well last night at all. I went to bed at 9 pm. After all, a marathoner has to get lots of sleep! I tossed and turned until after 11 pm before I finally fell into a very fitful sleep.

I had a dream that I had entered into a race but that I didn't have anyone to watch Megan. I kept looking for a jogging stroller to buy but it was almost race time and there were none to be had. So then I was running around looking for her old stroller but I haven't seen it since we have moved and I couldn't find it.

And then I kept dreaming that I was running another 8 and that it was just miserable and that I hated running. It has made me apprehensive about my 8 mile run that I am supposed to run all day ...

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Much Better Today

I ran an easy 4 miles today. It wasn't a great run, but it was definately a better run then yesterday. I ran with my mp3 player while listening to Eleven on Top. I don't remember much of the run, but after yesterday this is a good thing.

I have been having some knee pain on the outside of my right knee that is disturbing me. It's been there plaguing me for at least the last week. I'm just noting it here so that I can keep an eye on it. I think I better go ice it.

Running Stats

Running Time: 57:54
Running Distance: 4.01 mi
Average Pace: 14:26/mi

Monday, October 3, 2005

It Doesn't Matter!!!

***Warning, big case of bad attitude found within***

My training manual is The Non-Runner's Marathon Guide and it has come in very handy over the last 8 weeks. Today's run it came in handy because chapter one teaches you ... it doesn't matter. I spent the better portion of today's run repeating these words. So without further ado ...

It doesn't matter that I had actually walked out my door yesterday for a 14 mile run, walked back in to get my energy gel and was told "thank God you came back in I have to go back to work". It doesn't matter that yesterday was a very nice 78 - 80 degrees and today is a very hot 92 degrees. It doesn't matter that the daycare didn't have any drop-in openings and that I couldn't run this morning ... when it was cooler. It doesn't matter that Jason called and said I can pick Megan up from preschool so that you can run a full 14 and then called back two minutes later to say "sorry, I have a meeting". It doesn't matter that I followed a blue chevrolet impala with a cracked windshield and two bird poop stains going 15 miles an hour in a 25 mile an hour zone while he smoked two cigarettes for 12 out of the 15 miles to Megan's school with no way of passing him making me 12 minutes late starting my run so now I wasn't even able to get a full 2 1/2 hours in. It doesn't matter that after 2.67 miles I was ready to just stop and walk back to the school and just sit until Megan was done. It doesn't matter that for the first half of my run I was hoping for any hint of a breeze because it was so darn hot and the second half of the run I was running into a very strong HOT headwind. It doesn't matter that I wasn't able to run on the trail yesterday so I had to run along a busy highway today and stepped on a very sharp pointy rock right in the sensitive part of my arch (actually if that doesn't stop hurting it might matter). It doesn't matter that I up and just quit after 8 miles and walked the 1/2 mile back to the school making it back just in time to pick Megan up.

What does matter??? It matters that I took advantage of the preschool time that I did have to get off my bum and do what I could do. It matters that I ran past a park that had a water fountain right when I finished my bottle of gatorade and was really needing to eat that energy gel (which needs to be washed down with water). It matters that when I finished my refill of water (which tasted nasty) I happened to be running by a gas station and they were very nice in letting me have some ice and filtered water.

What matters is that I have a wonderful husband who has been right there by my side and stepping up to the plate and being available when I need him. It matters that he is proud of me ... which is the biggest and best motivator there is. It matters that he is dealing with issues at work that is beyond his control and that he feels sad that he has not been able to be there 100% for his family these last few days. But this too will pass.

It matters that writing this post has officially snapped me out of my bad attitude and I'm ready to jump in right where I am!!!

Running Stats

Running Time: 1:53:24
Running Distance: 8.07 mi
Average Pace: 14:03/mi

Walking Time: 8:37
Walking Distance: 0.50 mi
Average Pace 17:14/mi

Btw, It is a lot harder to run with a bad attitude then a good attitude. But it is also hard to snap out of the bad attitude once it is upon you.

Week 9 Schedule

I am heading into my HIGH mileage weeks. Am I crazy?!?

Mon - 8 mi
Tues - 4 mi
Wed - 8 mi
Thurs - 3 mi
Fri - 5 mi
Sat - Rest
Sun - 16 mi

edited to change Mondays mileage to reflect actual miles and to add 3 miles for my normally scheduled rest day on Thursday.

Sunday, October 2, 2005

96 Miles in my New Shoes

Of course it should be 110 miles in my new shoes ... hopefully tomorrow eh?

I just extrapolated my training miles through race day and if I continue to run in this current pair of shoes I will have 284 miles on them on race day. This does not include the walks and 'runs' that I take with Megan. I wear my running shoes for my walks and runs with her because the one time I tried wearing my old shoes I ended up with shin splints. I really really really try to avoid shin splints!!!

I'm thinking that I need to get myself a new pair of shoes and alternate them. Three hundred miles is just alot of miles to have on a shoe when the recommended wear time is 300-500. I'm sure that until I lose more weight that I would be on the lower end of this spectrum and besides it seems that it rains everytime I wear them. Huh ... I think I'm sitting here trying to justify this even though Jason has already told me several times to go for it. So I think I will ... ahh shoe shopping :)

Ain't Gonna Happen

Jason has been dealing with some issues at work, you know something about nuclear power plants and emergency situations means he just HAS to be at work ... gees! It's not really an emergency per se, it's just a situation that affects production and less production means less money. So I guess you can say it is a financial emergency.

He spent most of yesterday at work, and he was gone this morning when I woke up. Which in my case means no 14 mile run this morning. Then as I'm getting ready to head out this afternoon for my 14 miles he gets paged so I'm not able to go now. My only hope at this point is that I can get Megan into the daycare tomorrow morning and head out for a Monday run instead of a Sunday run.

I can't tell if I'm relieved or annoyed (Not at Jason mind you, at the situation).

Friday, September 30, 2005

Batteries Anyone?

I ran 4 miles today from the Sac n Fox trail, Otis ST trailhead. When I turned my Foreman on I had one hour battery life left, which means not really. I was hoping that it was truly an hours time left because even I can get 4 miles ran in an hour. But alas, my trusty foreman shut down on me after 2.6 miles. I am very thankful in that it lasted at least the two miles before I turned around so that I know that I got my 4 in, I just don't know my real stats.

Running Stats (recorded)

Running Time: 34:45
Running Distance: 2.60 mi
Average Pace: 13:21/mi

Real Stats Unknown ... but at least 4 mi in ???

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I Think I'll Eat Some Worms

I was reminded of that old childhood chant today during my run ...

Nobody loves me
Everybody hates me
I'll think I'll eat some worms

itty bitty skinny ones
big fat juicy ones
I'll think I'll eat some worms

It's all about the rain for me lately. Sunday's run was a torrential downpour 15 minutes in the beginning of my run. Today's run was 1 1/2 hours in a steady light rain. Either way you are sopping wet.

I broke down and went back to the Stoneybrook YMCA. Ironically it wasn't hot today, just wet. When I got back to the Y after my run the lady at the checkout desk was looking at me weird. I didn't have my card with me because I had checked in and dropped my stuff off in a locker before my run. So I tell her I already checked in and she says "O-kay ... but would you like a tow-el ... or two tow-els?" I guess I was standing their dripping water on their floor, oops.

About those worms, I spent the whole 1 1/2 hours jumping over and swerving for worms so that I wasn't squishing them. I had forgotten that worms come out in the rain. Guess it's been awhile since I have been out and about in the rain. Really, it's been awhile since I have been out and about on city sidewalks.

Run Stats

Running Time: 1:25:57
Running Distance: 6.00 mi
Average Pace: 14:19/mi

btw, I know everybody loves me and I really don't want to eat those worms :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Another Day Another Run

I ran four miles today. It was one of those ho hum got it done type of runs today ... nothing big nothing spectacular.

I had Jason download my newest audio book onto my MP3 player. Eleven on Top by Janet Evanovich. She is definately one of my favorite authors. She is a hoot ... I laugh so hard with everything I have read of hers. Definately 5 out of 5 stars in my 'not so' humble opinion.

Run Stats

Running Time: 56:23
Running Distance: 4.00 mi
Average Pace: 14:05/mi

Monday, September 26, 2005

Week 8 Schedule

Week 8 of 15. Oh My Goodness!!! I am closer to the marathon now then I am to the first day of training. I have started to psych myself out a bit and I know I must be careful about not doing that. I am training to run 26.2 miles .... ahhhhhhhhhhhh ... j/k

kind of

Mon - Rest
Tues - 4 miles
Wed - 6 miles
Thur - Rest
Fri - 4 miles
Sat - Rest
Sun - 14 miles

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Torrential Downpour

I mosey'd on down at 6:45 this morning with every intention of grabbing a quick bite to eat, waiting an hour and then heading out for a leisurely (yeah right!) twelve mile run. Megan on the other hand had different plans. She woke up with me and cuddled on my lap in the rocking chair until Jason got home from his coffee run, wherein we decided to go out for breakfast. Breakfast was yummy though, well worth it!

After breakfast a storm rolled in. A really big storm with lots of rain, wind and thunderclaps. I wasn't too worried about it because Iowa, along with every other state I have ever lived (which is numerous), has this saying 'if you don't like the weather wait five minutes and check again. I dutifully waited the 30 minutes from the last thunderclap and headed upstairs to get my running gear on. There was a slight sprinkle ... like a drop every minute or so ... nothing too bad. I decided to go ahead and head out for my run.

Silly me ... I should have waited five minutes like the saying says. About five minutes into my run a faucet was turned on overhead. I was drenched within seconds. I could feel water streaming down my back, my arms, my legs, sqeazing out of my shoes. The whole time I just kept thanking Christie for giving me the idea to wear a hat if rain was expected. The hat definately saved the day!!! The rain lasted from about 5 minutes into my run until about 20 minutes into my run. There was not a dry place on me ... I was sopping wet. Then the rain went away and I ran the next 2 1/2 hours in damp clothing. That was fun ... not!

The rain was actually pretty neat to run in. I enjoyed it. I would have enjoyed it alot more if it had come at 2 1/2 hours into the run instead of 5 minutes ... but such is life!

Running Stats

Running Time: 2:55:57
Running Distance: 12.00 mi
Average Pace: 14:39/mi

Friday, September 23, 2005

Audio Book Over

Well that's the big news for today ... half way through my 4+ mile run I ran out of audio book. Kind of a bummer.

I was listening to The Secret Life of Bees, by Sue Monk Kid. It came highly recommended by both my sister and by the readers of (4.65 out of 5 stars based on 852 votes). I personally thought the book was so-so.

***slight spoiler (or helper) here***

I think that during a conversation that I had with Dawn, or maybe it was from the books description, but I was under the impression that she dies. So I spent the whole time dreading that part of the book that was coming up instead of enjoying it as I was listening to it. She doesn't die ... not going to say anything else ... but she doesn't die.

Running Stats

Running Time: 57:59
Running Distance: 4.11 mi
Average Pace: 14:06/mi

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

SW Side is HOT!

I have only ran in temperatures greater then 90 degrees twice since I started training for the marathon. Both times have been from the Stoney Point YMCA. I really don't know if I will be going back there. It was a hot run, definately not one of the funnest and it's hard to map out a long route from there. Yet, it's close and convenient to Megan's preschool so it's easy to drop her off, run, shower and make it back in time to pick her up. Oh ... such confusion!!!

Running Stats

Running Time: 1:22:08
Running Distance: 6.00 mi
Average Pace: 13:41/mi

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I'm Tired of Recuperating

I had conflicting advice from the dentists. I had one tell me that I would be a-ok on Wednesday and another tell me that I would be fine on Monday as long as my pain threshold was doing well. So I decided to meet them half way and start up on Tuesday. My schedule has me running 4 miles week 7 day 1 but I thought I better ease back into it so I only ran 3.41. Feels like I cheated or something. I didn't have any severe pain or anything, more like a reminding throb in the jaw area. Oh man, I can't wait until I'm healed from this!

Running Stats

Running Time: 43:32
Running Distance: 3.41 mi
Average Pace: 12:46/mi

Wishin I would have ran that extra 1/2 mile ...

Monday, September 19, 2005

Week 7 Schedule

Week 7 of 15. Where has the time gone? I'm almost half way there and I'm not ready yet!!! And it's another modified week as I'm still recovering from surgery ...

Mon - Recuperating
Tue -Recuperating
Wed - 6 miles
Thur - Rest
Fri -4 miles
Sat - Rest
Sun - 12 miles

Sunday, September 18, 2005

57 Miles In My New Shoes

I was just sitting here re-reading my blog as there is not much else to do while recovering from these stupid wisdom teeth.

Anyhow, I just realized that I have not had a case of bad shin splints since I bought my new shoes. The guy from Running Wild says that you will usually have an indicator that your shoes are going downhill and that it's time for a new pair. I think in my case when my shins start hurting it's time for a new pair.

I cannot believe that I have run 57 miles in 2 1/2 weeks. That is wicked sick (I think that's a good thing) as boom baby would say!

Friday, September 16, 2005

Not Quite as Long as I Hoped

I put in my long run of the week today because I'm fixin to get my wisdom teeth removed which will put me out of commission for almost a week. I was really hoping to get in 11 miles in as per my training manual, but Megan wasn't feeling all that well so it took us alot longer then I thought it would to get us out of the house and her dropped off at daycare this morning so I could go out for a run. Have you noticed a pattern here? I'm always late ... always have been and I imagine I always will be. I'm planning on getting to the marathon extra early for this very reason.

I ran the home stretch loop (yep, again with the hills) three times today. The loop itself is about 2.5 mile if you don't head over the few blocks to get back to my house. It was kinda neat, the first time I ran it going up this steep steep hill there was a lady outside working on her yard. I said hi, she said hi, I ran on. The second time I ran it she was still outside picking up nuts. I said hi, she said hi, I ran on. The third time I ran it she was still outside sweeping this time. At this point I wasn't noticing much about my surroundings, but she noticed me and gave me the "wow, you are doing great keep it up" speach. That was nice!

After the third loop I had gone about 7.5ish miles but I really wanted to do at least 8 so I kept right on running past my house and did another mini loop around the neighborhood. If I had had more time I easily could have done my 11 today. Bummer!!!

Running Stats

Running Time: 1:51:28
Running Distance: 8.22 mi
Average Pace: 13:34/mi

Now I'm late as usual ... and I'm scared silly as well ... I hate the idea of getting my wisdom teeth removed!!! I have been putting this off for years and years ... sigh

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Runner's World Stealing My Ideas

I've noticed a pattern here and I can't tell if it's a good or a bad thing. Way back in June when I started working out again and before I actually started training for the marathon, I thought what a great idea it would be to get a book on cd ... or better yet a book on mp3 player. So imagine my surprise when Jason picks up a copy of Runner's World and one of the top stories is listening to books on mp3 players. They copied my idea! No big deal though right, it's a good idea that will benefit alot of people.

But then I start this nice new blog to keep track of my running stats. What a novel idea. Next thing you know I'm getting my newest copy of Runner's World, and lo and behold one of the top stories is blogging your miles.

Gees ... I wonder what I'll come up with next?!?

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

It Gets Better

Whoooohoooo ... I so was not expecting this today! I ran the home stretch ... yes again with the hills for five miles today. Imagine my surprise when I checked my time at the one mile mark and I had just ran with very little perceived effort a 10:26 mile. Actually I had ran 1.05 miles in 10:26. I was giddy! Needless to say it was a very good run today!!!

Running Stats

Running Time: 1:02:47
Running Distance: 5.00 mi
Average Pace: 12:33/mi

I just checked, the last time I ran with an average pace of 12:33/mi was when I ran the 10k back in August, which was actually my first long run.

It was a very good run today!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Wow ... did I do that?

I ran a new trail today. I don't know if it was the trail or me or what ... but it felt good. I ran 4 miles and my last mile, you know the one that is traditionally the slowest (at least for me), was my fastest ever ... 11:54/mi.

Running Stats

Running Time: 50:55
Running Distance: 4.00 mi
Average Pace: 12:44/mi

I was running with "The Secret Life of Bees" again today. I ran out of disk space about 3ish miles. I wonder if that's how I was able to increase my time? But it's so fun to run with a book though.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Week 6 Schedule

Heading into week 6 of 15. Unfortunately, I found out last week that I will be needing to have surgery to have my wisdom teeth removed at the end of this week, which will mess with my training schedule a bit.

Mon - Rest
Tues - 4 mi
Wed - 5 mi
Thu - Rest
Fri - 11 mi in the morning and surgery in the early afternoon
Sat - drug induced sleep
Sun - drug induced sleep

They say I will be able to pick back up the Wednesday following surgery. Scary!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

And I Thought The Last 3 Were Bad

So the last time I ran was 3 miles after 2 hours worth of yardwork, and that was a slow run. Or at least I thought it was until I started my 10 today. I knew it was going to be bad when my first mile I averaged 14:04/mi. I just could not get my legs to move faster if I tried. And as much as I would like to be able to say things got better, they definately didn't. It wasn't like I was overly tired or sore. I just plain could not move any faster if I had tried.

I was hoping to make it back in time for church but of course I got a late start, and that coupled with a slow run made it impossible. I started at 7:48 am. About 3 1/2 miles and about an hour later I gave Jason a call and told him he may want to go ahead and head to church without me, there was no way I was going to make it back in time.

But ... the good news is that I did it. I ran 10 miles non-stop today. It felt good to be done with it, that's for sure!

Running Stats

Running Time: 2:30:42
Running Distance: 10.01 mi
Average Pace: 15:04/mi

Friday, September 9, 2005

Killer Three

Did I mention that we are moving? To New York? At the end of the month? Yep Yep Yep!

So the house is on the market. I've done a really good job of keeping the house clean. But no matter how clean you keep the house there is always at least two hours worth of cleaning possible when a realtor calls and says can I show your house at 2 pm. Which is exactly what happened today. The house was all 'picked' up. But there was still the floors to sweep and mop, the rugs to vacuum, the leak in the basement that is just a constant drip and is staining the floor. You know ... all the little things. I dropped Megan off at pre-school and headed home to clean and paint the basement floor.

I walked out the door just as the realtor and the prospective buyer were pulling up. Unfortunately they saw me load the dogs into the car. I always feel that leaves a bad impression. I circled the block and parked down the road to keep an eye on things ... ok ok, I was spying. As I was sitting in my car spying on my own house, I kept thinking of all the other little things that needed to be done to make the house show better ... like pick up dog poo, remove the grass growing in the sidewalk cracks, sweep up the sandbox sand caked an inch thick from the patio etc.

Once the intruders left (they were intruders, they didn't make an offer) I headed back to the house with the intention of getting ready for my run. Jason was picking Megan up from pre-school so I had a brief bit of free time. But my little list that I made kept calling to me. So I thought what the hey, might as well get at least one thing crossed off my list. So I headed outside to sweep the sandbox sand up. Two hours later with lots of help from both Jason and Megan we finally crossed off the last item on my list. I was sweating just as hard as I had during my 8 mile run.

But I still had 3 miles to run ... and I did it!!! It tooke me a long time ... and it really was a killer three miles. But it felt good to do it regardless of being dog tired.

Run Time: 44:01
Run Distance: 3.00 mi
Avg Pace: 14:40/mi

and then I came home and had really good cheesy greasy pizza ...

Next stop 10 miles.

Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Hodge Podge For Five

Today was a five miler ...

Run Time: 01:08:37
Run Distance: 5.oo mi
Avg Pace: 13:43/mi

I dropped Megan off at pre-school and drove over to the YMCA that is near her school, which is in a part of town that I'm not all that familiar with. I put my stuff in a locker and stopped by the desk to ask which way I should run. I'm at the gym mind you, where people go to work out. The lady there was so funny, she just thought I was crazy for wanting to run 5 miles. Two months ago, I soooo would have agreed with her. Anyhow, she tells me I can run up 1st avenue ... or run to this park a few blocks over that actually has a running trail ... or even run in the subdivision right next to the gym. It turns out that to log 5 miles in I had to run all of the above. Thankfully there is not as many hills on this side of town.

Today's temperature was 90 degrees when I headed out, 93 degrees when I got back to the car. This is the hottest it's been while I've been running. I didn't like it ...

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Another Three Down

Yep ... another 3 miles.

Run Time: 40:23
Run Distance: 3.0 miles
Avg Pace: 13:27/mi

Not to bad for running the home route ... you know ... the one that's one big hill.

I listened to my MP3 player today. I'm listening to the book "A Secret Life of Bees". It came highly recommended to me by my lil sis Dawn. Thanks Dawn Dawn!

Monday, September 5, 2005

Week 5 Schedule

I'm headed into week 5 of a 15 week training schedule. The schedule actually calls for 16 weeks of training, but the Philadelphia marathon is at the end of week 15. Such is life, we must deal with what we are dealt. I can do it!!!

Mon - Rest
Tue - 3 mi
Wed - 5 mi
Thu - Rest
Fri - 3 mi
Sat - Rest
Sun - 10 mi

Be back tomorrow ...

Sunday, September 4, 2005

Hills do matter

I ran 8 miles today, what else is there to say?

Besides the fact that it was not unpleasant ... and I would most definately do it again and then some. There is something quite empowering by being able to say, I ran 8 miles today. Not many people can say this on any given day.

I ran the Sac and Fox trail today and oh what a relief that there were no hills. The last several weeks I have been running from home and no matter which way you go there are hills. My running time increased without all those hills in my way. In fact I even ran 12:11 mile ... whoohoo!!!

1 mi: 12:11/mi
2 mi: 12:37/mi
3 mi: 13:18/mi
4 mi: 13:15/mi
5 mi: 13:03/mi
6 mi: 13:29/mi
7 mi: 14:35/mi
8 mi: 13:23/mi

Running Stats ...

Run Time: 01:45:55
Run Distance: 8.00 mi
Avg Pace: 13:14/mi
Best Pace: 09:23/mi

And the foreman even lost at least a 1/2 a mile on me and that's being conservative. The trail is 7.2 miles long and as I was running off of the trail the foreman was showing 6.6 miles. I think it lost it somewhere during the 7th mile ...

Things were not looking good as I started my run at 8:13 thinking it was going to take me a good 2 hours to run these 8 miles and also knowing that church started at 10:30 and I had to have Jason pick me up from the trail head take me home for a shower and then a 10 minute drive to church.

Thankfully I was done in 1 hour and 45 minutes. I called him at the beginning of my 8th mile and he came to pick me up. Unfortunately there was some communication issues and he thought I would be running down the major road towards home, whereas I was just running on the smaller side road that the trail head was on (no hills on the side road, major hills on the major road). It was fine for me because he pulled up about 30 seconds after I finished my 8th mile. A bit frustrating for him as he drove up and down the major road looking for me.

Anyhow, we pulled up to the house at 10:06, I took a shower, got dressed, ran a brush through my wet hair and we were out the door at 10:20 and made it to church at 10:30. Wow, what a morning ... who would have thought getting ready for church would have been a bigger stressor then running 8 miles.

Tomorrow is a rest day. Sad ...

Lessons Learned

In the grand scheme of things it's a who cares ... but it put a dent in my morning none the less. I really need my Garmin Forerunner (Foreman for short) to tell me how many miles I have run ... especially on my long runs. So I wasn't excited when this morning it had low batteries. Especially since I am on a strict time line this morning as this is my first Sunday run and I have to back in time to get ready for church. Thankfully there is a late service.

OK, it's been a 1/2 hour now. I hope that it will give me 2-3 hours of battery life to make it through my run ...

Friday, September 2, 2005

MP3 Player

I ran 3 miles today from home. I didn't notice the hills at all today. This is probably because I finally had Jason load a book on to my new MP3 player that he got me for my birthday. In fact I don't remember much at all about my run. This would definately be the way to go, except for I can't use headphones in the marathon so I really shouldn't be training with them.

Unfortunately, I don't think that listening to a book is really all that great for run time. Something about not being able to focus on running when you are focusing on the book. But hey, for that good ole fashion run where time really doesn't matter I'm all for the books.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not really concerned about my run time. I know that I'm one of the slowest there is, in fact I completely expect the Philadelphia marathon to be over by the time I run through the finish line ... but my goal is completing the marathon ... not completing it in a certain time frame.

Run Stats ...

Run Time: 44:52
Run Distance: 3.01 mi
Avg Pace: 14.55/mi

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

8 Miles In My New Shoes

Well not 8 miles today, 3 on Monday and 5 today. My shins hurt a little bit more today then they did on Monday but still not like they had been hurting before the new shoes.

Todays Stats ...

Run Time: 01:13:00
Run Distance: 5.01 mi
Avg Pace: 14:34/mi

Have I mentioned the hills around here? It's like I was running on a nonstop hill. Ok, I know that logically I ran downhill at some point but that's not very helpful after running up the hill in the first place. I ran out 5 miles and then had Jason come and pick me up. We drove back the route I took and he even mentioned the hills. There was one stretch on Bever that was about 1.6 miles that is a steady 2% grade uphill. Then there were two sections, East Post Hill and Cottage Grove Hill, that had about an 8% grade. Ouch ... especially since the Cottage Grove Hill was the last 0.5 miles of my 5 mile run. I'm fixin to go and take a picture of it tomorrow so that I can post it on here. My killer hill. I would seriously love to map out the elevation of my training runs. That would be neat to see.

Only 2 more training runs in my 4th week of training, 3 miles on Friday and 8 miles on Sunday. Ironically, when I first started training I was all about the short 3 mile runs (never ever thought I would say that) and the long runs were just something I had to get out of the way. Now I am actually looking forward to the long runs more so then the short runs. This running is a crazy sport!