Sunday, September 25, 2005

Torrential Downpour

I mosey'd on down at 6:45 this morning with every intention of grabbing a quick bite to eat, waiting an hour and then heading out for a leisurely (yeah right!) twelve mile run. Megan on the other hand had different plans. She woke up with me and cuddled on my lap in the rocking chair until Jason got home from his coffee run, wherein we decided to go out for breakfast. Breakfast was yummy though, well worth it!

After breakfast a storm rolled in. A really big storm with lots of rain, wind and thunderclaps. I wasn't too worried about it because Iowa, along with every other state I have ever lived (which is numerous), has this saying 'if you don't like the weather wait five minutes and check again. I dutifully waited the 30 minutes from the last thunderclap and headed upstairs to get my running gear on. There was a slight sprinkle ... like a drop every minute or so ... nothing too bad. I decided to go ahead and head out for my run.

Silly me ... I should have waited five minutes like the saying says. About five minutes into my run a faucet was turned on overhead. I was drenched within seconds. I could feel water streaming down my back, my arms, my legs, sqeazing out of my shoes. The whole time I just kept thanking Christie for giving me the idea to wear a hat if rain was expected. The hat definately saved the day!!! The rain lasted from about 5 minutes into my run until about 20 minutes into my run. There was not a dry place on me ... I was sopping wet. Then the rain went away and I ran the next 2 1/2 hours in damp clothing. That was fun ... not!

The rain was actually pretty neat to run in. I enjoyed it. I would have enjoyed it alot more if it had come at 2 1/2 hours into the run instead of 5 minutes ... but such is life!

Running Stats

Running Time: 2:55:57
Running Distance: 12.00 mi
Average Pace: 14:39/mi


  1. i CANNOT BELIEVE YOU ran for almost 3 hours!!!!!!!!! i cannot believe it! i have NEVER! never in my life. and yet, if i follow you, someday, i might! and drenched??? girl! you go! you are awesome, sister-friend. unbeLIEVable. you have grit.
    how long till your shoes (new) dried out?
    love ya, kt

  2. Oh KT girl, you will be here before you know it!!!

    I finished the run Sunday morning and by Tuesday night they were dry. Gotta love those rest days sometimes!!
