Monday, October 10, 2005

Week 10 Schedule

Week 10 of 15 ... I am officially in double digit training weeks. Which means I'm really close to running a marathon. Only three more super duper long runs before I taper off before the big day. Wow, where did the time go?

Mon - Rest
Tue - 5 miles
Wed - 8 miles
Thu - Rest
Fri - 5 miles
Sun - 16 miles


  1. You mean... you're really going to run a marathon in about a month? Really, really???

  2. Yes ma'am ... I will be participating in the Philadelphia Marathon on November 20th.

    I will add that a little over two months ago I considered myself a non-runner ... a couch potato if you will. I have followed a very detailed training plan for the last 9 weeks to build up my mileage. You can check it out in the book "The Non-Runner's Marathon Guide". Even if your goal is not to run a marathon, it is still a really good read!
