Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Running with Nature

The Sac and Fox trail was absolutely gorgeous today. It is a winding creek side trail with overhanging trees on either side that are gloriously painted in beautiful fall colors. Minutes into my run I was blessed to come upon two deer gracefully running alongside the trail setting the tone for the rest of my afternoon.

There is a section of trail at about mile 3 that is completely canopied with trees. The little bit of light that filters through, dances across the moss covered valley floor and creates amazing patterns that are beautiful to behold. It is the perfect storybook setting.

Crossing the creek around mile 5 I happened to look down to see four deer getting an early evening drink. I always feel so blessed when I see deer while running ... like I've been given a special gift as recompense for my efforts.

A break in the trees around mile 6 opens up to a field of waist high golden hay that is surrounded on three sides with hills that are decked out in brilliant fall colors.

The most beautiful site though was found at mile 7.5 when I came around a curve in the path to see a man and a young girl crossing a sun soaked bridge. I was just thinking to myself how neat that would be if Jason were to bring Megan to meet me at the trailhead. Then the little girl looked up and saw me and yelled the most beautiful word that I have ever in my life heard ... mommeeee ... and then she ran towards me with arms raised high and a huge smile on her face.

My favorite part of the run was the last 1/2 mile when I chased my daughter off of the trail onto a large grassy knoll and then played tag with her ... the joy of my life ... my little miracle!

Running Stats

Running Time: 1:46:58
Running Distance: 8.06 mi
Average Pace: 13:16/mi


  1. amber...i got chills...and i almost cried!

    you are good at: writing, of course....descriptive of the trail...but the way i was hanging on at the end...and it turned out to be your own daughter! you need to publish!

    love it, love ya, wish i had a TRAIL to run that an asphalt trail or are you running on a real woodsy trail?

    good job, MOMMY!


  2. Very cool post. Very Zen... living in the moment and all.

    PS: Have my first 7km planned for tomorrow. Will keep you updated.

  3. I love you so much and wish I could be there with to you run, and experience all this. I cried, and still have chill bumps all over my arms. Thanks for thinking of me during your "Got Socks" post. Had you not been so stingy and gave me money for new pants, you would have never known of this "black on black" trick. Sure I could of bought new pants with my own mula, but that was so not the cool idea back then. Love you!
