Thursday, August 10, 2006

One Year Anniversary!!!

Today is my anniversary. It has been one year to the day since I became a serious runner. One year ago I received a birthday present, The Non-Runner's Marathon Guide, from my dear friend Christie ... took up my MP3 player and my Garmin, birthday presents from my wonderfully supportive husband Jason ... and decided to train for and run the Philadelphia Marathon.

It has been an exciting and action packed year. I was successful in my venture and running the Philadelphia marathon is definitely a lifetime achievement.

A second marathon within my first year was put on hold while going through unsuccessful infertility treatments. I have ran since February ... but it's been between doctor's appointments and months here and there of doctor ordered 'no physical activity'.

What next?!? Now it's time to put infertility treatments on hold while I make running a priority once again. At least until I complete my second marathon ... The Philadelphia!!! What can I say, it was a great race (not like I actually raced ... I just ran to finish). There is something to be said for a large event with thousands of runners and huge crowd support.

Whooohoooo ... I'm on the road again!!!


  1. Congratulations on your first marathon and on training for your second. The Philly Marathon will be my first. Good luck.

  2. good job amber! wow! i would love to hear from you! email me!!!
    loves to you...miss you! kt

  3. Welcome back to training, girl! Glad to see you posting again. :-)

  4. Happy Anniversary! As someone said to me on my one-year "fitness" anniversary, here's hoping that you have so many more that you lose count of them!

  5. Hey Amber! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a message!! Can't wait to hear more about your marathon. Hope you finish well, and beat your personal best!!!
